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my buddy pinecone used to do csgo surf with this person and said good things about them. rip furchee

Admin reply: rip in piss

Added: June 10, 2024
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When I heard that was finally getting an update I was very excited, but there seems to have been very little actually changed on the site. I'm still holding out hope that the owner of will one day actually add some significant change to my favorite website, but for now I can't in good conscience recommend the site as it is now. 5/10 would love to recommend but can't. :!cry:

Admin reply: We don't cater to your kind here.

Added: January 19, 2024
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Hey, I recently came across your "Furchee's Fur Collection" torrent from a long ass time ago. I was wondering if you could give me the original time frame it was created or uploaded, or any other interesting info or stories about it, as I find it to be a very interesting relic of somewhat early internet furry art and yiff.

Thanks :)

Admin reply: Hey there fellow degenerate! ;)
It's definitely been a long time since I created that thing. The exact date uploaded was likely the day it was finally created as we (me and a techy friend) needed to rebuild the torrent file several times because the file list was too long, making the torrent file too large for piratebay to accept at the time. This is why all of the FurAffinity folders were placed into separate zip's. The date that piratebay lists it at is "2010-06-13" and I feel that's pretty accurate.
Looking at the torrent description makes me cringe to unimaginable levels but otherwise it's still pretty on point in terms of what sort of content I archive.(Although nowadays its almost purely HD content --mostly from Patreon)
Just about three weeks ago to the day I finally stopped seeding the torrent and removed it from my drives, finally putting it to rest. My total seeded amount was roughly 38TB. So if my math is accurate that means it was uploaded 3568 times, likely a lot more due to how torrenting works. My total collection as of writing this reply is a modest 389GB (331,370 Files / 4961 Folders) and is kept on multiple drives of course.
If you wish to continue speaking about this I have no problems answering any additional questions through my contacts :)

Added: January 8, 2024
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Can't believe the giggle pit is gone. :!cry: :!cry:

Admin reply: Honestly who cares :!cool:

Added: June 17, 2023
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Admin reply: Nice onion service.

Added: September 10, 2022
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Met furchee a couple years ago and gotta say. Pretty cool dude. Wish we talked more but I'm glad I met him.

Added: August 30, 2022
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Hi Y'all,

Holy cow, already 3 years ago I left my last message on this guestbook. Time really does fly.

I'll come back from time to time to revisit it, I see there's been a few new messages after me, even from Stabby. Thanks for the nostalgia once again AND for achknowledging that that big Valve update did indeed ruin ZMM and ultimately CS:S. I've never been able to play another ZM or ZE server after ZMM, or at least enjoy it.

Thanks to both Stabby and Furchee for creating a great childhood server, as well as another thanks to Furchee for keeping this domain/site alive for the real fan to enjoy it. Funny how there are still people after all this time still finding the domain.

All the best for the future

Added: August 8, 2022
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Hi guys,
Thanks for the nice & nostalgic comments, it sure was some good times we had back then and i'm glad to have met you all and had so much fun with you, though i must admit the admin abuse got out of hand a lot lol. I'm kinda sad we got out of touch over the years.

Just wanted to let you know i'm currently working on a standalone game in Unreal Engine 4 in the vein of the old ZMM server, kind of what we were working towards with all the modding and stuff before the fateful CSS update broke it, i'll be sure to let you know once it's ready for playing.


Added: January 9, 2021
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yeah yeah man you are a fuckin bitvch dude if u ever come to bulgaria i will fuckin shot you and stab idiot canda a shit :!cool:

Admin reply: america bitch hey hey america u bitch haha stupd noob :!cool:

Added: August 20, 2020
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FaceWAN has lead me to this small little corner of the internet that only a small group of people will ever see. I'd just like to say, beep beep lettuce. Miss CS:S Bhopping days. Things were so much simpler when all you're thinking about is gliding from ramp to ramp. I hope anyone who reads this finds peace in the fact that we are all carbon entities sharing thoughts through sqiggles on some web server.

Added: December 7, 2019
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